The links below are to all of the documents held in the Document Repository by subject
Hiring Information
Instructions, Policies & Processes
Reference Information for Reopening
This information is as up to date as possible but please check the ACRE or GRCC websites for the latest advice
Appendix A - Reopening Checklist
Appendix B - Reopening Questionnaire
Appendix C - Covid Secure Poster
Appendix D - Management of Social Distancing
Appendix E - Sample Special Conditions of Hire
Appendix F - Risk Assessment for Hall Committees
Appendix G - Risk Assessment for Hall Hirers
Appendix H - Covid First Aid Box
Appendix I - Playground and Play Equipment Signage
Appendix J - Performances in Village and Community Halls
Appendix K - Indoor and Outdoor Exercise and Sport
Appendix L - Covid-19 Treatment Plan
Improvements Documents
Project Updates