About Your Committee
We currently have a Committee of Trustees that, in the main, have given many years of selfless service to the local community and some new members who have recently joined to help. We really need some youthful input. however anyone, youthful or otherwise, is very welcome to assist, provide new ideas, generate energy and be guided by some of the more senior members.
If you have some time and want to give something to your community you are welcome to come along to the Committee Meetings to find out more. It is not a huge commitment, even an hour of your time would be very welcome. If you have a little more time to assist you might consider becoming a committee member? Offices on the committee include:
Bookings Clerk
In addition there are sub-committees for Finance and Maintenance that all need your assistance. So please consider getting in touch and offering whatever help you can. If you have a profession, skill or expertise that might be of value please feel free to get in touch

About the Village Hall
The Hall was built and opened in 1977, and is located to the south side of the village recreation park. The large hall with wooden floor, large windows offering good lighting is served by a good kitchen area for food and refreshment preparation including a large cooker and fridge facility. The Hall can accommodate meetings up to 100 people or 70- 80 seated at tables (tables and chairs are available). To one end of the Hall there is a small stage area that can be used for speakers or chairing larger meetings. Please enquire for further details. External areas to the Village Hall include:
Outside the Hall is a large grassed area (property of the Longford Parish Council) which can accommodate for large village events.
Longford Football Club regularly play matches here.
Alongside the green space is a small toddler play play area, a separate basketball area and benches around the park.
There is a hardstanding parking area for a limited number of cars.
Did you know that the Village Hall is the local Polling Station and is the local Place of Safety in the event of a local emergency such as the floods of 2007.
The old Village Hall was also used as a Coroner's Court in 1949 to investigate a drowning in the River Severn in 1949.

How We Work
The Longford Village Hall Committee is dedicated to making the Hall work for all residents of the Parish of Longford and to engage with the community to ensure that your views are listened to and where we are able to, we will act. The principles highlighted in the diagram above are those that we will aim to adhere to. However we need your opinions, concerns and ideas but most of all your help to make this a better facility for the community. Please if you feel you can contribute please get in touch.